Our Stories of God’s Faithfulness #228

In April, 2010, when I began to write the In Partnership With God, I wrote of the many times Sally Jo and I have experienced God’s faithfulness, stories that through the years I shared with the campers and staff during the After Breakfast Bible Studies. Multi-summer Deerfooter’s used to laugh with me…. “Chief, I’ve heard that one before!” And they had… and they really did not care. They liked to hear the stories of God’s faithfulness in our lives over and over again.

We tell the Christmas story year after year – and we like it! God’s coming to earth – incredible reality…and so we have the Christmas pageant….Mary, Mary and Joseph, the star, the wise men….yes, the children are so much fun… it is all part of Christmas.

In addition to growing up hearing the Christmas story, many of us we grew up with the stores of Noah and the Ark, the Burning Bush, David and Goliath…true stories. We were told the stories, read books that told the stories….over and over again. As adults we like to be reminded of God’s faithfulness through the years.

This past Friday night our 3 grandsons, ages 14, 11, and 7, were with us – a semi-regular occurrence. And every night we tell them a “bed time story”. The stories may be from a book they have chosen, sometimes of our childhood, their parents, even their own stories. It does not matter that they have chosen the book before, or heard the story before…

A couple weeks ago I realized that I have told our stories, our experiences of God’s faithfulness to Deerfooters – but never to our grandchildren. Stories of God’s provision of Sally Jo to be my wife, of the church in Bakerville, the food for money, for the piano, for the house in Texas, of my getting fired in Texas, our coming to DL, our new house in Greenville – the list could go on and on.

When I asked our grand children if they would like to hear about when God did miracles for us, the obvious answer: “Yes!” I then told them three stories of God’s provision, yes, miracles, from our years in Bakerville: 1966-1970. The children were fascinated…and wanted to hear more, which they will every night they spend in our home.

Unbelievable oversight on my part!

I encourage you this Christmas season, along with the re-telling of the Christmas story, tell your own miracle stories to your children (some of whom may be married) and grand children…and for a few of you, to your great grand children.

Let’s tell them about when this awesome God did something for us – for us personally. It may be the story of the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit, of His provision of something physical, or of His protection, or of His peace.

Perhaps our children would like to tell us about when God was “awesome” to them!

Our God still is an awesome God.