Does It Matter Who? #174

At Deerfoot Lodge, there are many people who go over and beyond what is expected of them.

One summer the waterfront director decided that the diving raft needed replacing.  He was right.  He told me that if DL would buy the wood, and a lot would be needed, he would build it.  Day after day, available hour after hour, he screwed the very strong structure together.  After the campers left, staff surrounded the raft and carried it to the beach, to be ready for the next summer.  I think that raft remains in service to this day.

The raft has been used for all 3 instructional periods + flex time.  Lets conservatively say the ladder was used  100 times a day X 56 camper days X 20 years = 112,000 times.  This is more times than Consumer Report tests a product.

Who did it? Does it matter?  How many of us know who built first dining hall, Old Hardwood, prior to 1930, or the new dining hall in 1946, added to in 1966, and in 1981, and in 2003?  Do you know who, using dimensional lumber, built the eight large cabins in the Woodsmen and Pioneer sections, and is now working to replace those cabins with new log cabins?*

Should we feel badly when we are not remembered for what we do?

  • “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

  • “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

            1 Corinthians 10:31

Yes, a raft and buildings are built for the glory of God, not men.  The raft and buildings are then used for the building of godly young men for the glory of God.

Part of this challenge of building godly young men is to build and equip some of these young men so they can become directors of camps which will build godly young men, and often women – who will build godly young men and women.

Does it really matter who built the raft?  If he did it with the right motive, it would be fun to know who he was, and it would be fun for him to know that the ladder he built has been used 112,000 – for the glory of God.

As the Director of Deerfoot, I know I did not continually ask myself: “am I doing this for the glory of God?”

My focus was on getting to staff meeting at 6:58, on having a constructive 1 on 1 with a Section Chief after staff meeting, on being prepared with a clear After Breakfast Bible, on answering questions in the office, and being available to a staff member who wanted to talk about….I never knew!  And it was always fun to give the strokes test to someone finishing his master’s in canoeing.  To pass, every stroke and the docking of the canoe had to be perfect.

Not continually, but somewhat regularly, I would ask myself: “Am I living my life for the glory of God?”  I still do!

I encourage you to sit back once in a while and ask yourself:  “Am I living my life for the glory of God?”

*Charlie Karner is the cabin builder.  These days he has lots of help!