I was the Struggling Little Boy #2

I was the boy that needed a tutor to be able to pass 5th and 6th grade. My parents did everything they could to motivate me….and I tried, O how I tried!

I still remember doing an extensive report on Switzerland for my 6th grade teacher. With my parents help I received information from the Swiss Department of Tourism – beautiful pictures, maps, and lots of information. I worked my tail off, with help from my parents. I received a B- for my work. Why bother working so hard? I could have gotten a C, ok, maybe a D…without spending hours and days doing my very best work. Yet I continued to try to be a good student.

I knew I was not doing well in school – and my dad knew I knew that I was not doing well in school.

And every so often my father would take me in his arms and say: “Hang in there son. I flunked fifth grade, and I made it”. My dad was a medical doctor and a member of the Wheaton College Board of Trustees. Dad never quit believing in me…until he died at Deerfoot Lodge in 1988.

Were you a child like me? Do you know a little boy or girl who struggles today? Does he have a mom or dad who hugs him…and encourages in him? Even if they have such a parent, your affirmation will have a tremendous impact upon the child, particularly if you repeatedly show your interest in them.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. Matthew 19:14 -15