IPWG: an observation and introduction of “EXTRA”

Observation: Each Monday Morning I will continue to share my story, chronologically, and how I have experienced God working for me, in me, through me. I am now writing the IPWG you will receive in about 12 weeks. As I work, I am observing that my experiences are moving from where I have been primarily the receiver…to where I am primarily one of God’s agents of change.

As you observe this, see if this has not been your experience as well. I know at least one of you is reading the Monday IPWG to their children – this could be interesting for you to point out to them.

EXTRA – an introduction. I have come to realize there are times when I would like to share with you thoughts which do not fit into the normal pattern of the Monday Morning edition of “In Partnership With God. When I do this, the EXTRA will only come mid-week and will be identified: IPWG EXTRA – then the topic…then how many pages the attachment has. Here are two examples of what the “EXTRA” may be like.

1. My e-mail response to a specific e-mail.

“Chief, I wish I could honestly say something like ‘but God is good,’ but this is a hard place to be. Not that I’m doubting, I have seen too much of grace and power to doubt. But I’m questioning, because this isn’t good. It is hard. And it probably won’t end or get easier ….
That looks pathetic to read. It’s where I am- and I covet prayer (the ability to pray) and peace.”

When I include people in a specific way, if there is any question as to whether it is OK with them, know that I have their specific approval to include them in the e-mail – they will have read the e-mail I will be sending to you. An example being that I write about Shelley Schenkel’s brain tumor and eventual physical death.

Here is Bart’s response to my question.
“With certainty! You have clarified the “Big” picture well and the story of my journey fits that picture. Hurting people need to know how (like others before them) to work through tough parts of God’s perfect provision in their life. It’s a journey that always comes before the answers. Bart”

My response to the ache of this Deerfooter is 3 pages – it took many hours to write. It is long – but very much shorter then the 250 pages of “When God Doesn’t Make Sense” by James Dobson. (This book was written in response to a plane accident in which four of his friends were killed – their color picture is the only picture in the book…and the accident is never mentioned. I was a very close friend of one of the four…and knew one of the others). . Philip Yancey wrote 278 pages – “Where Is God When It Hurts?” – the same basic topic. Both are excellent books!!

2. A reality or thought I would like to share, speak to. “The Power of God’s Word” was triggered by my reading an article in the current Leadership Journal (Volume 29, Number 1) – which is published quarterly by Christianity Today. The sub-title of Leadership is “real ministry in a complex world”. I share a personal experience of seeing the Power of God’s Spoken Word when read without comment.

Again, I welcome your e-mail comments – Be candid!
Chief chuck